"… so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member
belongs to all the others (Romans 12:5)". |
You are welcome at Seoul Union Church! Whether or not you become a voting member you will always be part of our church family. Many feel they need a deeper commitment to the body of Christ (the Church) and this is offered through church membership.
We hope God will challenge you to take a deeper step and partner with us further through membership.
Membership does have its privileges and its responsibilities. If you have not declared your commitment to God's plan in this church, by church membership, may we encourage you to do so? Your commitment will pave the way for God to richly bless you with the reality and beauty of what it means to be a part of the body of Christ.
Members of Seoul Union are able to take part in the government of the church through voting on church budgets and electing church officers and nominating ministry team leaders. Membership is requisite to serving the church as a leader or officer. |
REASONS FOR MEMBERSHIP: Questions People Ask. |
Why should I become a member of a church? Are there advantages? Is it scriptural? Aren't we already in the church when we come to Christ? Aren't we members of His body already? Where do we read in the Bible about becoming members of a church as we see it practiced today?
Becoming a part of a church family is a crucial decision. The fact is that a Christian without a church family is like an organ without a body. It has no place in which to function and thrive. By joining our church family, you become part of a community in which you can grow, serve, be encouraged and be a partner in the ministry of Seoul Union Church. |
Absolutely! If you consider Seoul Union Church to be your home while you are in Seoul and share fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ here on a continual basis, then you should publicly formalize the commitment you have already made by becoming a church member. Even if you plan to live in the Seoul area for only a short time, it will be to your benefit (and ours!) for you to become a member. You will experience an increase in care and connection from your interaction with other members of the church. You will have a greater sense of participation in the vision of the church, and you will take part in making decisions that affect the church's ministry. |
To become a member of Seoul Union Church, you do not need to transfer membership from your home church. Members of Seoul Union Church may retain membership with their home churches during their stay in Korea . |
Membership means … |
Church membership underscores the biblical principles of commitment and covenant. There are several ways to express commitment mentioned in the Bible. Taking an oath (Nehemiah 10 : 28 ), verbal declaration (Joshua 24 : 15 ) offering of a sacrifice (Genesis 31 : 43 - 52 ) and a written agreement (Nehemiah 9 : 38 ) all are statements of commitment in the Bible. |
The concept of an "independent Christian" is inconsistent with New Testament teaching. I Cor. 12:20 says that there are "many members, but one body." The church is the God-ordained "Body of Christ" and local membership helps to identify one with Christ's Church in a particular place. It is appropriate that we encourage membership in our local church. |
Church membership serves as a preventative against shallow and consumer-type fellowship. In any relationship, differences are bound to arise, feelings are hurt, and mistakes are made. Where there is no commitment to relationships, the temptation to leave the church to find one better "suited" to our perceived needs is present. This results in the unbiblical practice of Christians leaving churches without trying to work out the differences. Jesus said, "If your brother offends you, go to him in private and try to win him over." Commitment to relationships through church membership says, "Even though we disagree, I respect and honor you and will trust God to work out the differences." |
Commitment via church membership fosters the godly qualities of responsibility and ownership toward God's work. When we feel this is "my church family", we are concerned about the needs, activities, and people of our church. We more clearly see that the people we worship with are not merely fellow Christians but actually brothers and sisters in the household of God. |
The function of the church as a non-profit organization may require some form of membership by law. Members are directly responsible for decisions related to property belonging to the church, and for the election of our church leaders. The membership process provides the necessary mechanism for church government. |
Church membership provides us with a practical means of knowing who is committed to the work of God in our midst. It would not be proper for a person to have the privilege of influence without the responsibility of commitment. Those who are in places of influence and leadership must first be tested. |
Scripture illustrates the whole of church discipline. Ephesians 5:21 commands us to be submissive to one another. When believers have differences, we are instructed to submit to the rule of the church (Matt. 18:17 ; I Cor. 6:1). When we get out of line with our beliefs or behavior, the church is responsible in holding us accountable and to discipline us for our benefit and the testimony of Christ and the church (Titus 3:10 ; I Cor. 5; II Cor. 2; Romans 16:17 ). The act of membership declares our submission to the Body of Christ and to the spiritual leadership of the Body. |
There are many benefits to becoming a church member. First, in placing yourself under the care of the church you will be put on the "radar screen." Seoul Union Church is working toward having every member connected to one ministry team leader who will pray specifically for them and be a source of pastoral care. Second, in placing yourself under the discipline of the church, you will experience mutual relationships of accountability with others in this church body, putting yourself in a better position for growth in community. Third, members play a vital role in the government of the church through voting on church budgets and through electing church officers, nominating ministry team leaders, and council members. Membership is also a requisite to serving the church as a council member or officer. |
Responsible fellowship with a group of believers in Jesus Christ in a local community is not a consumer choice. It is a responsibility patterned for us in the New Testament. At Seoul Union we make every effort to provide a context of fellowship based on God's Word and to provide a channel of service based on the commission to declare the gospel to the lost and to apply the gospel to the daily lives of those who have received it. Membership is granted to individuals who have committed to and are in agreement with the following prerequisites: |
• Faith in and confession of the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior (Romans 10:9).
• Agreeing with and following faithfully the purpose, goals, vision and doctrines of Seoul Union Church.
• Willingness to commit to the Mission and Ministry of Seoul Union Church through service and financial giving.
• Completion of a Membership Class. |
Main steps for each candidate: |
1. Attend at least 4 services
2. Have a sponsor (encouraged but not required)
3. Interview with Pastor (initial screening)
4. Attend Membership Class sessions
5. Give a personal testimony
6. Submit Membership Application
7. Interview with Council and approval.
8. Introduction to the Congregation (i.e. Ivy Ceremony)
Ideally , the pastoral interview will occur prior to the first membership class, but can be accomplished at any time before the Council Interview.
The main purpose is to identify believers who, when joined with Seoul Union , can effectively govern, serve and minister to the needs of this local body. It also provides for the human need for official recognition of belonging to a group. The Membership process is also intended to screen out inappropriate members, such as non-believers and those not ready to assume the responsibilities of membership. We recognize that many of the people who want to be members of Seoul Union are already mature, well-educated Christians. Individual instruction for spiritual growth is available for those not yet spiritually mature enough to become members. |
In keeping with the vision of Seoul Union Church, our membership committee has designed a training track for all new members of Seoul Union Church. This prepares you to serve in a ministry where your gifts, talents and skills can be fully utilized for the advancement of the Kingdom. Our vision is to promote the priesthood of all believers and equip you to make the greatest impact for Christ in our communities. Classes are offered repeatedly from September through June. |
The Membership class will be three one-hour sessions held during the Christian Education hour on three consecutive Sundays. Target class size is eight to ten candidates. If a person misses one class session, they cannot continue with the membership process until they attend the sessions the next time the class is held. Smaller class sizes are particularly important to this class because of the need to develop personal ties with the newcomers. |
The first step to registering for a class is to download and fill out the New Members Class Registration Questionnaire 
and email it to or drop it off to the church secretary, Insoon Kim.