Subway - Walking Directions
Take either subway Green Line (#2) to stop #238 (#38) or subway Brown Line #6 to stop #622 (#22). Both of these stops are called Hapchong (Hapjeong) Station. Exit at exit #7 (View from exit 7). Walk straight out subway exit #7. Walking straight ahead, you will cross two small streets. As you cross the second street, you will see a small park in front of the subway track coming from the underground (it is covered) too your left. Walk past the park and then go next to the tracks on the right side of the tracks for about 300 meters until you come to the park with light blue gates on your right. Just before the gate the subway comes fully out of the ground and there is a parking lot under it. Turn right through the gate and you will see the Church building to your left. Go to the far end of the building to enter. Our building is white stone and is shaped like the logo in the upper left hand corner of this page.
View as you leave the subway station by exit 7.
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View of park and the covered subway track coming out of the ground.
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View of the street you go down to the church along the covered subway track.
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The gates to the Church grounds are also the gates to the Foreigner's Cemetery.
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