Believing it to be the will of God that the followers of Jesus
Christ associate themselves in fellowship, for mutual
encouragement, for public worship, and for active service,
English-speaking Protestant Christians resident in this
community, representing many denominational traditions, and
presently organized as the Seoul Union Church, do hereby reaffirm
their common heritage and purpose by adopting the following
This organization shall be known as THE SEOUL UNION CHURCH.
The purpose of this church shall be to proclaim the Lordship
of Christ; to engage its members in worship, public and private,
in Christian education, and in loving service; and to invite and
encourage others to make Christian profession. This effort will
be oriented toward expatriates in order to provide a welcoming
environment for worship and fellowship for those away from their
home environment. This church also endeavors to be a place
where all are challenged and equipped to grow in faith and
service to God. To these ends, all services, meetings,
activities, and classes will be held in English. Members of
Seoul Union Church are charged with the responsibility of
upholding and maintaining this ministry.
Trusting in Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior, this
congregation accepts the Apostles' Creed as a basic statement of
Christian Faith and Fellowship, and declares its purpose to obey
Jesus Christ in accordance with His will as revealed in the Holy
Scriptures; recognizing at the same time the freedom of the
individual Christian conscience and the various statements under
which the members may have made their profession of faith.
Upon this foundation of our faith, we covenant with one another
and with God to live and labor together as true disciples of
Jesus Christ.
Salvation is by the grace of God through faith in Jesus
Christ; by accepting the gift of salvation we become members in
the universal church. Membership in Seoul Union Church
merely signifies an individuals dedication to this
particular congregation.
Nonetheless, because membership entails a special
responsibility to the congregation, it shall be granted to those
who demonstrate to the Church Council the following:
1. Confession of Faith in Jesus Christ as personal Lord and
Savior, in accordance with the
Covenant of Faith in Article III above.
2. Sufficient fluency in English to understand the Covenant of
Faith as confessed, to participate fully in the life of the
congregation, and to contribute to its peace and unity.
Christians not fluent in English are encouraged to seek
membership in churches that minister in their language, since
these churches can provide them a stronger foundation for
spiritual communion and growth.
3. Commitment to Seoul Union Church as the primary church home
during residence in Korea (though without necessarily breaking
membership ties to a home church in another country.)
4. Acceptance and promotion of the special mission of Seoul
Union Church, which is to minister to English-speaking
expatriates and returnees in Seoul.
5. Dedication to the support of the church through regular and
faithful prayer, attendance,
giving and service.
After approval by the Church Council, new members shall be
presented to the Congregation in a public service of worship.
Membership may be terminated upon request. Active
membership terminates automatically if residence in Korea
ceases. A letter of transfer or commendation to another
church may be granted by the Minister or the Church Council.
The government of this Church is vested in its members who
exercise the right of control in all of its affairs. All
members have the privilege of voting at any regular or special
meeting of the Church. Due to the nature of Seoul Union
Church, proxy votes at each congregational meeting will be
permitted. The proxy authority will be given in writing
(including FAX) to the one who is to vote.
1. Regular Meetings
a. A regular meeting of the Congregation for consideration and
approval of the budget shall be held in November.
b. A regular meeting of the Congregation for receiving reports
by the officers, committees, and organizations shall be held in
c. A regular meeting of the congregation for election of
officers shall be held by the end of April.
d. Notice of each meeting will be given and reports and
agendas shall be distributed two weeks in advance of these
2. Special Meetings. A special meeting may be called by
the Minister or the Chairman of the Congregation at any time, or
upon the written request of five members, provided notice of the
meeting, including its purpose, is given at the regular worship
services on two successive Sundays preceding the meeting.
3. Quorum. Twenty-five members or 25% of the voting
membership in Korea, whichever is less, present at any regular or
special meeting, due notice having been given, shall constitute a
quorum for the transaction of business.
4. Conduct of Business. Unless specified otherwise in
this constitution, the conduct of business shall be according to
Robert's Rules of Order.
1. There shall be a Minister and such assistants as may be
2. The Minister shall be in charge of the spiritual welfare of
the Congregation, including the preaching of the Gospel,
administration of the sacraments, and parish visitation, shall
counsel prospective members, and shall be responsible for the
records of membership, baptism, marriages, and funerals, as well
as all permanent records and documents, including financial
records. The Minister shall be a member of the Church
3. The Minister of this church shall be of the regular
ordained clergy of a well-established Protestant denomination or
independent congregation; the Minister personally shall subscribe
to the Apostles' Creed and the Covenant of Faith of his church
(Article III); and the Minister shall have the broad spirit of
inter-church cooperation appropriate for the pastor of a church
such as Seoul Union.
4. The Minister shall be called subsequent to election by a
two-third vote of the active membership (in person or by proxy)
at a duly authorized meeting of the Congregation, and only upon
favorable recommendation of the Church Council after appropriate
consultation with respect to eligible and available
candidates. The voting shall be by secret ballot.
5. The terms of the call and any amendment thereof, except in
cases involving the extension or termination of the period of
service, shall be agreed upon between the Minister and the Church
Council, including the period of service, salary, provision of
residence, various allowances, pension or retirement premiums,
transportation for the Minister, family, and household goods to
and from this country, vacations, and other details.
6. Extension or early termination of the period of service
shall be by mutual agreement between the Minister and the Church
Council, subject to the approval of the Congregation by a
favorable two-third vote of the active membership by secret
ballot at a regular or special meeting upon the recommendation of
the Church Council. Adjustment of the details of (5) above
shall then be made in consultation with the Church Council.
7. The Associate Minister(s), if any, shall be elected by the
Congregation to serve for one year and shall have the same
qualifications as those established for the Minister. He or
she shall assist the Minister in all duties and shall act for the
Minister when absent.
1. The officers of this church shall be:
a. A Chairman of the Congregation, a Vice Chairman, a
Recording Secretary, and a Treasurer, elected annually by the
Congregation from among the church members.
b. Chairmen of the Standing Committees, elected annually by
the Congregation from among the church members.
Election of officers shall be held by the end of April and
officers shall take office upon election. Vacancies among the
officers shall be filled by the Church Council from among the
2. Duties of Officers
a. The Chairman of the Congregation shall preside at all
meetings of the Congregation and shall serve as Chairman of the
Church Council.
b. The Vice Chairman shall serve in the absence of the
c. The Recording Secretary shall be the secretary of all
regular and special meetings of the Congregation and of the
Church Council.
d. The Treasurer shall receive all church monies, keep an
accurate account of the finances of the church, issue payments as
authorized, and render a report at each regular meeting of the
Church Council and the Congregation.
1. There shall be a Church Council, composed of the Chairman
of the Congregation, the Vice Chairman, the Recording Secretary,
the Treasurer, the Chairmen of the Standing Committees, and the
Minister(s). All members of the Council must be members of
the church.
2. The Church Council is the governing body of the Church and
is to be associated with the Minister(s) in caring for the
spiritual welfare of the Congregation. It shall hear
reports, review actions, and consider recommendations from all
committees or initiated within the Council. It shall study needs
and correlate all plans and programs of the various organizations
of the Church. Major questions of policy, program, or
finance shall be reviewed by the Council. The Council shall
be responsible for the membership of the Church, including
adequate preparatory classes, reception, discipline, transfer,
and dismissal; for outreach and service; and for the services of
worship in the absence of the Minister(s). Any action of
the Council can be reviewed by the full Congregation. The
Church Council shall meet at least quarterly.
3. The Church Council shall be responsible for the terms of
the call and the contract between the Church and the
Minister(s). In the case of a vacancy, the Council shall be
responsible for finding and recommending to the congregation an
eligible and available candidate for the ministry of the Church.
4. The Church Council shall appoint a Nominating Committee to
prepare nominations for Church officers and committees for the
ensuing year. The Nominating Committee shall report its
recommendations to the last meeting of the Council prior to the
Congregational meeting prior to the end of April. In addition,
the Nominating Committee shall prepare nominations for the
Council when there are vacancies among the officers of the
5. Council Meetings are open to any member of the
congregation, or to anyone invited by a council member, provided
that prior notice is given to the chairman at least two (2) days
in advance. Attendance includes voice, but not vote. The
Council may decide to go into closed session as it deems
This Congregation is an independent, non-aligned
fellowship. Association with various denominations and
groups worldwide comes only through those of our individual
members and our common Covenant of Faith.
There shall be such bylaws as are deemed necessary by the
The Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote at any
regular or special meeting of the Congregation, provided that
notice of such meeting and of the proposed amendment shall have
been given at the regular worship services on two preceding
Sundays, or provided that such notice shall have been mailed to
members at least ten days before the meeting.
This Constitution was first adopted from January 1, 1985, and,
as revised, is effective from March 17, 1991, January 26, 1992,
January 1, 1993, May 1, 1994, February 8, 1998, and May 24, 1998.
1. There shall be the following Standing Committees, whose
members and chairmen and co- chairmen, if any, shall be
elected annually at the time of the election of officers.
a. The Worship Committee of 7 or more members, which shall
be responsible for the following areas: ushering, communion
stewards, the sanctuary, fine arts, music, choir, special
music and musical programs, organist, pianist, robes and
up-keep of musical instruments. Each area may have a
working group or subcommittees of which at least one member
shall be a member of the main committee.
b. The Spiritual Life Committee of 7 or more members, which
shall be primarily responsible for nurturing all members.
In addition, it shall be responsible, through working groups or
subcommittees, for Bible studies and small sharing groups.
Each of these areas may have a working group or subcommittee of 3
members, of which at least one shall be a member of the
main committee.
c. The Membership Growth and Evangelism Committee of 7 or more
members which shall be primarily responsible for reaching out to
the non-church community. In addition, it shall be
responsible for publicity and greeting.
d. The Hospitality Committee of 7 or more members, which shall
be responsible for congregational meals, dinners and receptions,
coffee hour, and the use and operation of the kitchen.
e. The Christian Education Committee of 7 or more members, which shall be responsible for the Sunday School and Christian Education activities. The committee shall select the Sunday School Superintendent. There shall be, in addition, a working group or subcommittee of 3 or more members, of which at least one shall be a member of the main committee, for work with youth. One member from the subcommittee on youth may attend council meetings with voice but no vote.
f. The Benevolence and Missions Committee of 7 or more members, which shall be responsible for designating support to projects both in Korea and in other countries and for educating the Congregation as to the missions involvement of the Church.
g. The Finance Committee of at least 7 members, which shall be responsible for the church finances, including stewardship and the budget. In addition, the committee shall supervise and receive reports from the Seoul Union Church Foundation of five members, making sure that proper government and financial reports are filed with the U.S. government and that trustees are replaced when a vacancy occurs or terms expire.
h. The Cemetery and Property Maintenance Committee of 7 or more members, which shall, under regulations established by the Juridical Person of the Council for the 100th Anniversary of the Korean Church, supervise the operation of the Memorial Building and the Foreigners' Cemetery. In fulfilling its responsibilities, it may have working groups or subcommittees on the cemetery, on the church building and grounds, on kitchen repairs, and on caretaker logistics.
i. The Pastor Care and Relations Committee of 3 or more members, which shall be responsible for the personal concerns of the Pastor and for seeking a Pastor when that position is to be filled.
2. The Standing Committees may co-opt additional Church members and friends of the Church to serve or assist their committees or subcommittees.
3. The Minister and the Chairman of the Congregation shall be members, ex-officio, of all Standing Committees.
4. The Church Council may approve the establishment of related organizations, associations, and other Standing Committees, and may admit the principal officer of each as a member of the Council. To secure Council approval, the constitution of such an organization shall specify that a majority of the principal officers shall be members of the Church.
5. The Fiscal Year of the Church shall be the calendar year.
6. These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of themembers at any regular or special meeting of the Congregation.
(Revised constitution: May 4, 1991; May 1, 1994)